All IASSIDD 2019 Congress Abstracts have been published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (JIDR) and are now available to be viewed and downloaded.
Submission Guidelines
Before submitting your abstract, please take a moment to carefully read the abstract and symposium submission guidelines. You can download the guidelines by clicking the below button.
Abstract Topics
Abstracts should address one of the below topics to be considered for inclusion in the IASSIDD 2019 programme. Click here for SIRG chair contact details.
The OTHER track is designed to accommodate topics of importance that extend beyond or across SIRG topics. Examples of “other” topics include, but are not restricted to employment, sport and recreation and end of life issues other than ageing.
- Ageing
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Challenging Behaviour and Mental Health
- Communication
- Comparative Policy and Practice
- Down Syndrome
- Ethics
- Families
- Inclusive Education
- Parenting with Intellectual Disability
- Physical Health
- Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities
- Quality of Life
- Other
Presentation Format
Abstracts are invited to be submitted one of the below formats. You can select the format of your presentation during the submission process.
Oral presentation
Select this option to submit an oral presentation. Following acceptance, authors will be given clear instructions regarding the length of their presentation and the time reserved for discussion, where and when the presentation will take place and detailed guidance on preparing suitable slides.
Poster presentation
Select this option to submit a poster. Posters will be displayed on within the exhibition hall at IASSIDD 2019. Following acceptance, authors will be given detailed instructions on how to prepare their posters, where and when to hang them, and if, where and when they will be expected to present and discuss their work.
Oral or poster presentation
Select this option if you wish for the reviewers to decide if your abstract is best presented as an oral presentation or a as a poster. Authors will be informed on the selected format once the review process has been concluded.
Authors will be able to propose a Symposia for the Congress. Please note that each Symposia must include a total of 4 abstracts, and has to be submitted by one author, who submits all 4 abstracts at the same time. For further information on how to submit a Symposia, review the Abstract Submission Guidelines above.
Abstract Structure
All abstract submissions should follow the below structure:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Implications
Abstract Key Dates
- Abstract Submission Open: Wednesday, 03 October 2018
- Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 11 January 2019, midnight GMT
- Notification to Authors: Friday, 15 March 2019
- Revised Abstract Deadline: Friday, 22 March 2019
- Revised Abstract Notification to Authors: Monday, 29 March 2019
Abstract Terms and Conditions
By submitting an abstract, an individual presenting author agrees to the following statement: “If my work is accepted, I plan to attend IASSIDD 2019, or if I am unable to attend, to agree a nominated substitute and to communicate the change to the Congress secretariat.”
If the abstract is accepted, the presenting author must register for the conference in order to give the presentation. If he or she, or a nominated substitute, have not registered prior to the Congress, the abstract will be removed from the programme and the abstract book.