Travel Awards
Please note that the Travel Awards Submission has now closed.
Travel awards are to support participation of young researchers at the 2019 IASSIDD World Congress to be held in Glasgow, from August 6 to August 9, 2019.
Please review the below requirements before applying:
- All applicants need to be members of IASSIDD and of the relevant SIRG at the time of application
- If you are not a member for 2019, you can still submit your Travel Award Application, but we require you to become a member to receive the Award
- Please note on your Travel Award Application that you intend to become a member for 2019
- You need to register as a member on Information on becoming a member for 2019 will be available shortly
- All applications require submission of an abstract for the IASSIDD World Congress using the online system (click here). Your abstract has to be accepted for you to receive a travel award
- All applications require completion of the application form below for each award by January 11, 2019. Application documents should be sent by email to:
- Eligible expenses include Congress registration fee, economy travel from home to Congress location and accommodation at the Congress site during the Congress period
Special Interest Research Group Travel Awards
Please click on each SIRG below for further information.
Ageing: up to 5 awards of $1,000
The Ageing Special Interest Research Group is sponsoring travel awards open to students and early career researchers in the field of ageing and intellectual disability. Two of the awards will be reserved for early career researchers.
For further information, contact Philip McCallion,
Challenging Behaviour and Mental Health: 2 awards to students/young researchers of $500 each
The special interest group for Challenging Behaviour and Mental Health is sponsoring two awards up to students and young researchers in the field of intellectual disability and challenging behaviour and mental health.
For further information, contact: Peter Langdon;
Ethics: 2 awards of $500
The Ethics SIRG agreed to support 2 travel awards of $500 each to support attendance by doctoral students or researchers no more than 3 years post-doc.
For further information, contact: Jennifer Clegg;
Families: 2 Travel awards up to a maximum of $500
To support the participation at the World Congress for family caregivers, students or young researchers active in research relevant to families of children or adults with intellectual and developmental disability. Priority will be given to applicants from low income countries.
For further information, contact: Sandy Magana,
Health: 3 PhD and 3 Early career awards of $1,000 each
The Health Special research group is sponsoring up to six travel awards open to students or early career researchers in the field of health and intellectual disability.
For further information contact Laurence Taggart;
Inclusive Education: 1 Travel award up to a maximum of $200
The Inclusive Education Special Interest Research Group is sponsoring a travel award open to a student or early career researchers in the field of inclusive education.
For further information, contact : Scott Tompson;
Parenting: $750-1000
The Parenting Special Interest Research Group is sponsoring travel awards open to students and/or early career researchers in the field of parenting and intellectual or developmental disability.
For further information, contact: Marjorie Aunos,
Policy and Practice: 1 Travel award up to a maximum of $1,000
The Policy and Practice Special Interest Research Group is sponsoring a travel award open to a student or early career researchers, priority will be given to applicants from low income countries in the field of policy and practice and intellectual disability.
For further information, contact: Michael Brown;
Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: 1 Travel award up to a maximum of $1,000
‘Carla Vlaskamp award for early career researchers in the field of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities’.
Has been established by the Special Interest Research Group on Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (SIRG-PIMD) to support the participation of a PhD-student at the European or World Conference of IASSIDD. Carla Vlaskamp is one of the founders of the SIRG-PIMD and played an important role in the ‘visibility’ of persons with PIMD and in generating knowledge for science and practice about those people. The award provides the reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred to attend the Conference. Applicants should not have a PhD degree at the start date of the Conference.
For further information, contact : Bea Maes, Chair SIRG-PIMD;
Quality of Life: Bob Schalock/Roy Brown award for early career researchers in the field of Quality of Life for individuals with I/DD and their families’
This award ($500) has been established by the Special Interest Research Group on Quality of Life (SIRG-QOL) to support the participation of a young researcher at the European or World Conference of IASSIDD. Bob Schalock and Roy Brown are internationally known researchers in the I/DD and Quality of Life field and are the founders of the SIRG-QOL. They each played a significant role in the ‘early development” of Quality of Life research tools and in advancing the knowledge, science, and practice in the Quality of Life field.
For further information contact: Alice Schippers,